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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stupid people do stupid things

I just signed onto the internet and my homepage showed an article about some kid "carsurfing". Apparently we're supposed to feel sorry for this poor idiot who decided this was a good idea and died. I'm sorry but I don't.

Just like we hear stories of people getting hit by trains because they were walking on the train tracks. Ummm, HELLO. Why do these people walk by train tracks? Or stop their cars ON the tracks? And when they hear the whistles or feel the ground shaking because a train is coming, do they move? Nope. And then there's news stories or they show up on Oprah, ohhh poor me, I got hit by a train. Dumbass.

Or better yet let's get in a pool raft and take it rafting on the Lehigh river. Then the taxpayers can spend tens of thousands of dollars searching for us! Sounds like a fun weekend to me.

The best is people traveling to war impoverished countries who get killed by terrorists or kidnapped and made an example of by some crazy guy with a knife. Or spit on the ground and get thrown in jail for 30 years. Don't cry to me. There's plenty NICE places to travel. That kid who got flogged for whatever it was he did, he deserved it! He didn't respect their cultures or traditions so he had to withstand the punishment.

These people do this stupid shit, and then die or get hurt, and try and blame someone else. Let's sue the train whistle manufacturing company because the whistle wasn't at a certain decible and THAT'S why it hit me. Or let's sue the mall because I was a dumbass and fell into a water fountain because I couldn't pay attention to where I was walking. Or let's sue McDonald's because their coffee is actually HOT. Though that person would be the first to bitch if their coffee was lukewarm.

What is WRONG with these people?? No wonder this country's priorities are so screwed up. Only in this country does a show build a huge elaborate home for 1 family and make a big deal about it, when instead it could have built a whole neighborhood of homes and helped 50 families. Let's rally together and raise millions of dollars to help out the starving people in some other country, when there are children and families struggling to buy groceries in THIS country. Let's worry about space exploration and getting a sample from planet Mars, when some of our schools are crumbling and kids are overcrowded in classrooms.

I've gotten to the point where I see these people and their stories and I laugh. You want to swim with sharks? You just might get bit and I promise you won't get any sympathy from me. Want to smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day? I really hope I am on the jury when you try and sue the tobacco company because you have lung cancer, because I'm not awarding a dime.

We all make mistakes in life, some dumber than others, but what drives me crazy is people who don't own up to their mistakes and try to go public wanting sympathy and hand outs. They aren't getting them from me.