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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Are we in the tundra?

I didn't want to write about anything too deep after yesterday's tear jerker post. So after taking the dog out (AGAIN) I decided I am writing about the cold weather.

I love winter, don't get me wrong. I HATE the heat of the summer, I hate being outside in the heat, unless I am at the beach. To me the best part of summer is the 1 week I get to sit on the beach and listen to the ocean. It's bearable there, but at home I want to curl up in my air conditioned bedroom and stay there until October hits. I hate sweating, I hate my house because it's like a brick oven in the summer. I hate the noise my window air conditioners make constantly. I hate the astronomical electrical bills from said air conditioners.

As many of you know, I avoid the sun like the plague. I burn even with baby 50 spf on; I don't want wrinkley, sun-exposed skin. I should have been a vampire. In the summer people EXPECT you to be outside, play with the kids in the sweltering heat, go to picnics, etc. Yuck yuck.

So fall and winter is my favorite time of year. I don't mind the cold, I LOVE snow. I love when it's snowing and everything looks so pretty. I love my cozy warm house; I love flannel sheets.

And the best part about winter? I get to feed my coat and hat obsession with my kids.

I admit I have a problem, I am OBSESSED with hats and coats for them. Delaney currently has 3 winter coats and about 6 winter hats. I rotate them, and only a few are hand-me-downs from Hadley. Quinn and Hadley both have 2 coats and a few hats each. I start obsessing about the next year's coats around January when coats go on clearance. All 3 already have their coats for next year, and then some!

In a nutshell, I love winter. However, this arctic weather has got to go. Single digits temps is NOT fun by a long shot. Having your snot freeze up on your face is not attractive, no matter how cute your coat or hat may be. My kids have cabin fever because it's been too cold to even go and play in the snow. So instead they are inside and driving me insane. With no money to spare, what can I do with them? Be one of those pathetic mall mommies? No thanks. I hate shopping, and I hate the mall even more. And if I am there I want to spend money, which I don't have. At the mall it's too easy to start my swimsuit obsession for them. I have already tried their suits on and been shopping online for cute suits for them. Delaney already has 2, and I am eyeing up one or two more online. LOVE swimsuits! So that rules that out. The movies is OK, but that's more sitting for them and loading up on candy and sugar, which makes the craziness at home even worse.

Keeping them cooped up is not good for my mental health. I am a homebody by nature, I don't venture out too often. I like the comfort of my home, where I can wear my pajamas all day and no make-up. I like lounging on my couch and taking naps. Being in a crowd of people stresses me, especially if they are strangers. So I need an extra happy pill if I try one of those Bounce places or something. The only way I like going out is if it involves a meal prepared and served by someone else. I hate cooking just as much as I hate summer heat. And then there's the money factor again. It's a vicious circle of doom.

So here I am waiting for spring, even though that means the stupid summer is right around the corner. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I am pretty much an indoors person all around. I love to be out in the spring and fall a lot though. I hated snow and winter until this year. When I am not working, and don't have to get out in it, apparently I LOVE snow LOL! My kids are getting serious cabin fever too. We have already had way more snow and snow days than usual this year!
