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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I can almost breath a sigh of relief

Every year Jared and I feel like we hold our breaths through the months of December and January. It seems like for us, everything is shoved into these two months of the year. We obviously have Christmas, which with 6 kids is a HUGE financial endeavor. We try and limit spending, of course, find deals and shop sales. And though every year I panic I will never be able to do it, every year they all have a great Christmas and Santa gets them what they wanted.

Added to Christmas are birthdays out the wazoo. It's a slow build up of birthdays starting in November actually. Jared's is the 7th, my goddaughter is the 18th. Then there's Thanksgiving, and that meal alone costs a small fortune. Then hits December, and all hell breaks loose. My birthday is the 3rd, my niece is the 4th. Another niece is the 18th, and then Christmas hits.

We have a small break until January. For us January is craziness. Quinn's birthday is January 6th, so not only did he get a mountain of gifts for Christmas, two weeks later he's getting more. By this point we're counting change and thinking we need a bigger house.

Then Hadley's birthday hits on the 17th. Her toys are smaller it seems, but no less expensive. Somewhere in there we have a party for their birthdays. I feel all little kids should have a birthday party!! Last year we did a joint party at McDonald's and it seems to go ok. Wasn't too incredibly expensive, and the best part is there's no clean up at my house.

This year I lost my mind and have a joint party at my house. Why? If I decide to do this again next year I want someone to slap me. Hard. Don't get me wrong, it was an amazing party. The kids had SO much fun, a lot of people came and made them feel extra special. We all had fun, but my little house was busting at the seams. My poor nephew fell and needed stitches; I felt awful about that.

We also have birthday dinners for the kids on their actual birthdays, and they get to pick what they want. More presents, more cooking, more singing. More cake. I think we spend a small fortune on cakes alone in the month of January. We've had 5 cakes this month in our house. Last night was Cody's birthday dinner, his 19th birthday was on Sunday the 23rd. My godson's 3rd birthday is on the 29th, and we have his party and another friend's birthday party this coming weekend. Then the following weekend is my friend Beth's little boys birthday party. Good thing I save gift bags. If anyone gets a gift bag back that you gifted to us, I apologize! It seems the month of April is an extremely lucky month for Jared, since 3 of his kids are born in January.

Then we can breathe. Actually we got in bed last night and took a deep breath and said "We're done til March" With birthday parties for other kids we just show up with a present and have fun. March starts the craziness all over again. Jake is March 26th and Kyle March 29th.

At least Delaney isn't until May 7th. Then we're home free until November again!

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